February 28, 2005
February 28, 2005
Chairperson Toshiko Satake
Mrs. Toshiko Satake, Chairperson of Satake Corporation, received a Doctorate of Agriculture from Kyoto University on January 24, 2005. The title of her thesis is "Studies on a Multi-Functional Rice Process through the formation of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid".
In recent years, functional foods containing various functional components have been developed as a result of an increasing health-consciousness in society. In response to these circumstances, studies were undertaken to develop an efficient method for the generation of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA).
GABA has beneficial effects of blood pressure reduction, neutral fat inhibition and stress control, and is contained in germinated brown rice. This thesis explains a series of achievements regarding the development of a new production method for special germ retained rice or milled rice, this rice having functional components such as GABA at the level equivalent to that in germinated brown rice.Some of the technologies obtained in these studies have been commercialized as the 'Magic IH Rice Cooker'. This cooker includes an activation mode for activating brown rice, germ retained rice or partially milled rice and thus increasing its GABA content.
We believe that the publication of this thesis contributes both to the improvement of domestic life from the viewpoint of housewife as well as to industry through the disclosure of information of such new technology.
In April 2001, Mrs. Toshiko Satake was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Hiroshima University for her contributions to the development of rice and wheat processing machinery, assistance in the promotion of local society, developing international exchanges and activities in education and research.The second President Toshihiko Satake received a Doctorate of Agriculture from the University of Tokyo and the third President Robert Satoru Satake also received a Doctorate of Engineering from the University of Tokyo. Upon the receipt of this Doctorate by Mrs. Toshiko Satake, three successive Presidents have now received doctorates. In the Company, ten employees have doctorate degrees at the present time and they continue their studies for providing assistance to our customers.
* Please note descriptions in news releases are accurate as of the date of release and may differ from the most up-to-date information.