News Release

Satake DNA Variety Identification System is authorized first by Japan Grain Inspection Association

September 20, 2006

September 20, 2006

Satake DNA Variety Identification System is authorized first by Japan Grain Inspection Association

The Association confirms Accuracy and Reliability


The Satake DNA Variety Identification System (RDNA1A) has been authorized by the Japan Grain Inspection Association as an Accuracy Testing Equipment, after accurately identifying all 47 major rice varieties.

A systems accuracy evaluation is made to ensure reliability when compared with the previous methods.Subsequent results from the Satake RDNA1A showed impressive identification of all 47 major rice varieties including Koshi-Hikari, Sasa-Nishiki, Akita-Komachi, Nihon-Bare and others.The system becomes the first of its kind to gain the Japan Grain Inspection Association's seal of approval.As of today, the system is in use by most quality rice producers laboratories. User feedback praising its ease of use and accuracy are well reported.Another point of interest is the systems fully automatic operation - giving ease of use to any level of experience user.Satake continues to improve product safety and consumer peace of mind in rice and rice based food products, through its use of DNA identification.

* Please note descriptions in news releases are accurate as of the date of release and may differ from the most up-to-date information.
